Debunking Cooling System Maintenance Myths To Protect Your Vehicle

The cooling system in your vehicle is responsible for regulating the temperature of your engine in the summer and winter. If your cooling system is not properly working, your engine will overheat and cause premature engine failure. Caring for your vehicle is important and uncovering the following myths about your cooling system will help you maintain your vehicle.

Just Add Water

"Just add water" are three words of bad advice when it comes to your cooling system. When your cooling system runs out of coolant, you cannot just add water to the system and watch it work. Your coolant is a special mix of solution and water to help prevent freezing, corrosion, and boiling of the coolant.

If you "just add water" to your cooling system and the temperature drops, the water will freeze and cause more problems. If for some reason you are stuck somewhere and need to add water to get to a local repair shop, you can do so, but it is only advised for emergencies.

A Small Leak is Not a Worry

A small leak is a big deal and should not be ignored. Finding coolant on the ground is a sign your radiator may be leaking. If left untouched, your radiator can break and leave you with a non-functioning vehicle and large coolant mess.

Your Cooling System Doesn't Need to be Maintained

Like other routine maintenance on your vehicle, your cooling system does need to be maintained to ensure proper engine function. With newer vehicles, your cooling system does not need to be maintained as often, but it should have a coolant flush every other year or every 40,000 to 60,000 miles. Failure to maintain your cooling system can result in engine failure, transfer of harmful substances to the radiator, and coolant leaks.

Pull Over if the Vehicle Overheats

The way the cooling system is designed, you need to increase the air and coolant flow to your engine as it overheats. Slowing down or stopping your vehicle stops the flow of coolant. When possible, speed up your vehicle. Another way to cool down an overheating engine is to run your heater. It may sound counterintuitive, but as the heater runs, it cools off the engine.

Maintaining your cooling system is vital to your engine's performance. Always make sure to have your coolant checked by a professional and do not skip flushes for the sake of time. The above myths are just that, myths. To find out more, visit a website like
